Looking for a premium, professional and quality child care, call us today 403 - ART - SOUL (278-7685)


“Not all children learn in the same manner. A single classroom contains children with broadly differing learning styles, yet are taught in the same way. And even within the same family, siblings often possess their own learning styles” as said by Kim Duckworth, academic coach and owner of SEC Tutoring in Scottsdale, Arizona.

This is a statement that we cannot agree with more. That is why at Art and Soul Montessori, we make a conscious effort to make individual teaching a core aspect of our teaching process as we understand different children learn differently.

We shower great attention to our children and operate well below the province regulated numbers for Teacher-Child ratios. Currently our Teacher-Child ratios range is 1:6 for our toddler and preschool programs.

We have come to realize that young children are very tactile and visual learners and learn best progressively. It explains why our curriculum has been shaped in a stimulating and progressive manner with ample materials to reiterate the same concept over and over again.

The Art and Soul Montessori program covers the whole spectrum of Montessori training and prepares your child for formal schooling.

The five Montessori Subjects have their emphasis on learning through hands-on activities – conducted in creative and fun ways that highlight enriching and discovery pursuits. In addition, children are exposed to various other subjects to ensure that they develop all-rounded skills in preparation for formal schooling.

Find out more about what the Montessori approach is all about in this video.

  • 5 Montessori Focus Areas
  • Daily Lesson
  • Building an All Rounded Child
  • Enrichment Programmes


Agency Office: 191 Tuscany Ravine View N.W. Calgary AB T3L 2W2

Phone: 403-ART-SOUL (278-7685)

📧 Email: [email protected]